
For a formal overview, visit my Press Kit.

Hello! I make music and text. I learned to play other people’s music on the piano and to jam on the guitar. I also learned to compose. Somewhere along the way I began combining my skills in free improvisation, often with Nader Adabnejad as OWRSI.

This work-in-progress website is primarily a portfolio but also an archive. As I prepare my materials I will continue to fill it out. Follow the links you see to get a sense of the spider web (or be surprised).

What drives me

We can do better for each other than we are doing right now. Unfortunately, even those who fervently believe so are getting caught up in the polarisation of our time. But beneath these sentiments, there is a more basic instinct for civilisation that made us what we are. It is time to foster that again — to reach out with grace and kindness in the face of an age of anxiety. Only then can we stand together to face the ravages of climate change, our broken economic system, and our terribly unequal treatment of equal people.

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