
  • REMOTE POSTING Limited Preview @ AINSI 28.06.24

    Updates: watch the full performance on YouTube here! Also — we are performing at Cultura Nova in Heerlen — more details via this link. After a year’s worth of hard work, we’re finally ready to play a limited preview of my new music theatre piece, REMOTE POSTING! This time I’ve gone deeper into theatre than…

  • SIREN at Dag van de Componist 2023

    A long five months in the making, SIREN officially premiered at Dag van de Componist at AINSI Maastricht on 17 June 2023. It was my biggest project during my Startende Makers residency with Intro in Situ. Programme note below. “SIREN” is a music theatre piece written by Sachit Ajmani featuring choreography by Cilia Hermann. The…

  • Impressions project 2021-2026

    Asja Zakhareva first described the idea that was to become Impressions to me in 2020 – writing music for artworks, serving both as an interpretive tool and as a part of an auditory experience for those with visual impairment. We took the idea in 2021 to the Van Abbemuseum, which has been working for years…


  • Video: REMOTE POSTING @ AINSI Maastricht

    This video is from our recent Limited Preview performance. Thanks to Naderad Studio for the edit. Our next performance will be at Cultura Nova in Heerlen. See you there!

  • OWRSI at Dag van de Componist 2023: t__hr__n

    A second performance of our electroacoustic performance t__hr__n on 17 June as part of the Dag van de Componist festival organised by Intro in Situ. Phone calls from the detainees at Tehran jail have an aural watermark imposed upon them: a recorded female voice repeating each minute that the call is made from the jail.…

  • OWRSI improvise with Francesca Fantini and Mario Calzada Peña

    Free improvisation session at @AINSIMaastricht featuring our friends: Francesca Fantini on saxophone Mario Calzada Peña on drums and OWRSI: Nader Adabnejad on violin, keyboards, electronics Sachit Ajmani on ROLI Seaboard, electronics This jam was held before our t__hr__n premiere. Performed at AINSI Maastricht on 10 Jun 2023 with the support of Intro in Situ.

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