REMOTE POSTING Limited Preview @ AINSI 28.06.24

Updates: watch the full performance on YouTube here! Also — we are performing at Cultura Nova in Heerlen — more details via this link.

After a year’s worth of hard work, we’re finally ready to play a limited preview of my new music theatre piece, REMOTE POSTING! This time I’ve gone deeper into theatre than before, writing a propah script and developing the theatrical aspects with the mentorship of Nynke van den Bergh.

This concert also marks the end of my residency with Intro in Situ and also features my Intro colleague J doing cool stuff. Join us and tell us what you think on the 28th of June at the AINSI Theatre, Lage Kanaaldijk 113B, 6212NA Maastricht.

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Concert Programme

19:00 doors open

19:30 secret short film w/ live soundtrack by J


21:00 listening party + colouring book borrel by J


REMOTE POSTING is a music theatre piece set in the far future, where normal people go to space as astroworkers and perform jobs that are mundane but profitable. Astroworker Kim (Jeske de Haart) took on a longer space posting than most. With only spaceship noises and the AI of the ship computer as company, she experienced a loneliness both profound and unique — yet one also faced by oil riggers of today or by lighthouse-keepers of the past. Perhaps isolation changes less than we think across generations and vast expanses of space. We ask our audience: how much do time and technological advancement really change us?


  • Jeske de Haart (as KIM)
  • Colin Crandal (as SHIP; djembe)
  • Marie Hesberg (as QUINN; piano)
  • Nader Adabnejad (as FARHAD; violin, electronics)
  • Sachit Ajmani (piano, electronics)
  • Freya Wolf (sound and light tech)

The people who make and perform

REMOTE POSTING was written and composed by Sachit Ajmani during his residency at Intro in Situ Maastricht (2023-24). Sachit is a composer, improviser, and pianist with an interdisciplinary practice. His work balances rigor and spontaneity, embracing the continuum between the precise and the improvised.

Owrsi Collective, consisting of multi-talented percussionist Colin Crandal, mezzo-soprano Jeske de Haart, pianist and performer Marie Hesberg, and composer, violinist, and videographer Nader Adabnejad, is a group of young performers enthusiastic about improvisation, music theatre, and chamber music.

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